People show up in different ways. We show up in different ways. Our aim is to be authentic in who we are, how we show up, and how people experience us.

We have four relational dispositions.

100% – What you see is what you get. There are no two faces for you. You are not one person in public and another in private. There is no secret life that you are ashamed of. They are shame-free. People know your values and what you stand for and where they stand in relation to you. There is no hypocrisy. This does not mean that they bear their hearts to everyone. It means they are authentic in their personality and relate to you with integrity. Eg) If they are not comfortable sharing something, they will tell you.

75% – Is a person who can be 100% but sometimes will not show all of themselves to you if trust has not been established or they are not feeling safe in a situation. If it is a new friendship, they could be guarded and then let their guard down over a period.

50% – Are people who walk in the shadows. You are not sure where you stand in relation to them and you are unclear about who they are?  It gives the appearance of being for you but are not really so. You are often confused by their behavior because their talk and walk don’t match. They say one thing and do another.

25%- These people have huge masks and walls. They do not let anyone into their heart.  They can be fake or very frozen and robotic when it comes it an interpersonal relationship. They will not let you know how they feel. They can show different to different people.

There are many reasons why we show up this way – it could be past hurts, abuse, someone let you down really badly, family/cultural norms of distrust, and much more. If we have not experienced healthy love and affection as a child that can affect our bonding as adults. It affects our grid from which we build relationships.



To name a few. I will talk about 5 indicators

1 You love who you are – all parts of you. The good and not so good. When you are able to bring your real self to the table knowing that there are things that you can truly work on because you love yourself.

2 You wake up inspired i.e when you wake up, you feel inspired because you are the person God created you to be and are inspired without any outside motivation. In addition, it is through your connection with God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus brings inside motivation to your life.

  1. You are able to connect with others and accept them for who they are, the good, bad, and the ugly because you are able to accept yourself. I love the scripture in  Romans 15:1-2 that is the foundation of our ministry. The scripture tells us to accept one another just as Christ has accepted us.

4 You have a healthy self-confidence in trusting and believing in yourself and not being afraid of failure. You are confident in who God made you be and not afraid of letting that show in a healthy and loving way.

5 You have great self-responsibility. When you have a high currency about yourself you have an understanding of how of being responsible to people and not for people. You are able to let your yes be yes and you are no a no. You are able to take responsibility for taking good care of yourself: your mental, physical, emotional health, and seeking good advice through a prayer partner, healthy counseling. Whatever it takes.

I just wanted to share a few things about discovering your relationship currency but it all begins with you.

I pray as you read this blog that God will begin to stir up loving truths of who you are and how he sees you and my healing come to how you see yourself that you are able to love yourself forgive yourself. That we can celebrate the essence of you.