Our journey began with serving in South India as we’ve partnered for the past 10 years with an area Indian Pastor, Dr. John Willmott, who is the founder of Pioneer Intercultural Services.  Our partnership created an amazing outreach to love, support, serve and equip the underprivileged, forgotten, and the broken.


We served blind individuals with a program we developed that trains people with disabilities, to develop their own businesses and become self-sufficient instead of begging in the streets. We have also worked alongside Dr. Willmott as we served and supported children who lived in a gypsy colony by developing an educational program. We also have served and empowered women and widows through the women’s ministry.


God has opened the doors in West India for us.  Our ministry has partnered with churches to build strong connections and is able to serve and equip church leaders, staff, music teams, and college and career students. We minister to victims and survivors of sexual abuse.  We also provide an inner healing ministry and growth and development workshops that enable churches to move towards becoming a healthier community of believers to provide effective discipleship to impact their churches and bring revival to their nation.

Highest Praise, Mumbai

The relationship with this powerful ministry began in 2012  when Karen was the guest speaker at their Sunday service. The connection with the senior leader and his wife developed into  Karen becoming a spiritual mother/mentor. Karen also provided leadership workshops, youth in women’s meetings, as well as personal growth and development coaching.

This church lovingly refers to Karen as “Mama K”.  We are in awe of how this young pastor has a huge heart for the poor and how he is constantly dreaming Ideas to effectively give aid and support. We look forward to visiting every year!


Word of Grace, Pune
It is an honor and a privilege to have such a lasting friendship and heart connection with this incredible church. Our connection began in 2012 which developed into an amazing friendship and partnership. We provide growth and development workshops: Effective leadership, trust building in teams, conflict resolution, growing in identity, defining your personality style, church consulting as well as providing personal coaching, special ministry to women and youth meetings. It has been amazing to witness the exponential growth of the leadership staff and core team.  Principles and skill sets taught  were quickly implemented. We travel every year to this wonderful church ministry. The senior leaders have a heart for personal growth and development of people evolving into a caring community of believers.
Regions Beyond India

Regions Beyond is a worldwide diverse family of churches joined together in apostolic partnership. This exciting new connection started in July 2017. And what an amazing connection it is!

It was a privilege and great honor to provide in-depth workshops with senior ministry leaders.  The workshops and training included: effective leadership, defining your personality style, conflict resolution, and trust building in teams. The enthusiasm and eagerness of learning healthy skill sets were contagious among the leaders. To see each leader receive revelation on the importance of understanding your personal style was incredible. The leaders were truly impacted from learning healthy skills in dealing with conflict.  Our organization has been asked to return to continue providing life-changing workshops and training. We are excited what’s in store for this growing and developing relationship.

One Nation Mumbai

This new connection started in July 2017. It was such a joy to be a guest speaker for the Sunday morning service as well as speaking at their youth ministry. We so look for it towards building and developing a friendship with this wonderful church. We have been invited to return to provide growth and development workshops.